Wednesday, March 18, 2015

The Next Theme is....Brunch!!

The theme for Monday April 13th is "Brunch"....time to hit Pinterest for some ideas!  Quiche?  Frittata?  Crepes?  French toast bake?  Muffins?  Fruit Salad?  I can't wait to see what dishes will be served!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Monday March 2, 2015

Tonight's theme?  All dishes must have a RED ingredient in it.  The outcome?  Delightful....

We had baked ravioli with tomato sauce,

 stuffed red peppers,

 red beans and greens,

macaroni and bean soup with tomatoes,

individual apple cakes,

and caprese salad with olives. 

There was also a shrimp cocktail, red tortilla chips with salsa, bite size cherry tarts, and little candy cups filled with various red candies courtesy of tonight's host, Cindy.  Everything was usual.  For those who couldn't make it, you missed a great meal.

One of the ladies has suggested a couple of new ideas for the club to make it a little more interesting.  She would like to learn more and thought it would be fun if, at each dinner, one of us discusses a technique or dish we are good at for the rest of the members of our little club and I think we will be starting at the next dinner.  Another thought was to have a "famous" Cortland resident come to the dinner (like the Mayor)...I'm not sure where we ended up with this one.

The next dinner will be Monday April 13th at 6pm at Anne's house.  The theme has yet to be announced...stay tuned!